Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ukhti Fillah

Hari terakhir menjejak kaki di luar tanah kelahiran.. sayu hati ingin meninggalkan tempat yang banyak menyimpan kenangan selama 3tahun... usia semakin meningkat.. arghh... dihari terakhir bersama2 sahabat cukup menyedihkan..iya.memori yang paling indah ialah memori yang paling menyedihkan kerna kita tahu memori itu tidak akan berulang.. begitu juga aku... terharu diriku terhadap seorang sahabat yang sanggup meredah perjalanan selama 8jam hanya semata-mata ingin bertemu dengan ku hanya untuk seketika. Allah..sungguh manis pertemuan ini. sungguh hatiku tersentuh dengan kesungguhanmu sahabat. tidak pernah aku terfikir pekara ini akan terjadi. namun ALLAH telah mengaturnya untuk kita.. khas buat mu wahai sahabat yang aku cintai..

My sister o my sister
Have I told you recently 
How much I love you
I do not love you for this or that
I love you for the sake of ALLAH
You are a true blessing sent to me from ALLAH
And I thank ALLAH for sending you to me
I have many friends
but you are different

You care for me,
When I feel others have no concern
You are there for me when I am need of help,
When I see others secretly run
You understand me,
When others do not even try
You comfort my heart,
When others make me more stressed
You remind me of ALLAH
When others make me forget

I can go on and list many more ways
how you are so special
I ask ALLAH to make us amongst those 
who are under His shade on the day of judgement,
As two people who met and parted for the sake of ALLAH,

Thank you for giving me advice,
When I was so confused,
Thank you for helping me find my way,
When I was so lost
Thank you for forgiving me,
When I said and did the wrong thing,
Thank you for putting me in check
When I started to go astray
Thank you for making me fear ALLAH
When I got too involved in this duniya,
Thank you
is just not good enough

I ask ALLAH to give you good in this life
and in the hereafter
I ask ALLAH to forgive you
have mercy on you
protect you
give you health and sustenance
I ask ALLAH to make you amongst His most dear servants
I ask ALLAH to love you
and love all those who are dear to you
I ask ALLAH to grant you a place in jannah 
And I pray I can be there with you

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